NCID Client Examples

NCID client GUI with required and default (required and optional) columns:
showing Night Theme
outgoing call (OUT) in history window
auto hangup (HUP) in history window
incoming call (CID) in history window
last message

NCID client GUI with required and default (required and optional) columns:
showing Day Theme
outgoing call (OUT) in history window
auto hangup (HUP) in history window
incoming call (CID) in history window
last message

NCID client GUI with typical columns and search addition:
showing search for john and line found
search is independent of case

NCID client GUI with 6 lines and typical columns:
showing two received messages and sending a message.

NCID client GUI displaying Select Columns To View.

NCID client GUI adding a alias for a name if the number matches.

NCID client GUI adding a number to the blacklist.

NCID client GUI adding a number to the whitelist.

NCID client GUI displaying dial from call log display.

NCID client GUI displaying manual dial display.

NCID client GUI displaying pause hangup display.

NCID client GUI displaying date and time formats.

NCID client GUI displaying font options.

NCID client GUI displaying user note display.

NCID client GUI displaying server options for country, LineIDs, and regex-0.

NCID client GUI displaying Online Documentation Links.

NCID client GUI displaying Server Menu Help.

NCID client GUI displaying alias descriptions.

NCID client GUI displaying line labels to view.

NCID client GUI displaying line types description.

NCID client GUI displaying line identifiers to view.

NCID client GUI displaying field labels description.

NCID client GUI displaying history window help.

NCID client GUI displaying server-pause help.

NCID client GUI displaying tooltip help.

Android Examples

Android phone showing a NCID message from the ncid-page output module.
Selecting the phone number will call it.

iPod Example

iPod showing NCID messages from the ncid-notify output module.

iPhone Examples

iPhone showing a message sent by the ncid-notify output module.