Introducing a Fully-Functional Cross-Platform NCID Client!

NCIDpop brings the best of Network Caller ID (NCID) to all desktop platforms! Use this app to view NCID call logs and messages on your desktop.
Perfect for...
- Seeing Incoming Calls and Texts From Your Computer: When coupled with your home phone, or even your Android Phone, see messages right on your desktop (see the NCID page for list of supported gateways)
- Hearing Incoming Caller Names: When receiving a call, NCIDpop will read the name of the caller to you!
- Sending Texts From Your Computer: When coupled with a third-party web texting system such as Google Voice, respond to texts right from your desktop!
- Sending Server Messages to Other NCID Clients:
NCID server messages allow communication with other NCID clients
on your network.
- Seeing Who Called While you Were Away: On system resume, NCIDpop displays the total number of missed calls.
- Keeping Track of Your Device's Power Status: For portable PCs, NCIDpop can be configured to notify you of low battery or fully charged battery status.
- Compatible with Java 1.5 and above (best when used with Java 1.6 and above)
- Compatible with MAC OS X 10.4 and above (PowerPC & Intel)
- Tested on Windows XP, Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 (32 and 64 bit)
- Tested on Fedora 17, 18 and 20 (64 bit)
- Tested on Xubuntu 12.04 (64 bit)
- A non-Java lite version is available for 16 bit windows (Windows 3.x)
Features of NCIDpop
- Displays popup when call received
- Displays popup when server or text message received
- Supports 11, 10, 7 and 4 digit numbers
- Call history dialog with configurable reverse lookup
- Supports sending of text messages
- Supports sending of NCID server messages
- Server and text message history dialog
- Phone numbers can be copied to clipboard
- Supports multiple simultaneous NCID server connections
- Configurable call notifications, including support for 3rd-party utilities such as Growl
- Configurable ringtone is played when a call is received
- Configurable text-to-speech caller notification tells you who's calling
- System startup/resume popup reports on missed calls while client was off
- System tray icon gives visual notification of the NCID server connection status
- Ability to manipulate server black list, server white list and server aliases
A running NCID server. For details regarding the server, see the NCID Overview Page
Below are some representative screenshots from NCIDpop.
Log Screen on Windows:

Log Screen on Macintosh OS X:

Default Notifications on Windows (left) and Macintosh OS X (right):

3rd Party Notifications Using Growl on Windows (left) and Growl on Macintosh OS X (right):

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Copyright © 2017 Chris Lenderman