
The ncid-applet
is an NCID client Gnome applet. It displays an icon, label, and text in the panel. The text is either information from the last phone call or a message.
The label is either CID: for an incoming call, OUT: for an outgoing call, HUP: for a call hangup, or MSG: for a message.
A left click on the applet brings up the call window. A right click on the applet brings up the menu.
The applet has separate windows for incoming calls, call hangups, outgoing calls, messages, sending a message, preferences, help, and About.
Call hangups require the server hangup option, and outgoing calls require a SIP gateway that supports outgoing calls.
The applet has manual install and uninstall scripts. See INSTALL for details.
- supports US, Sweden, United Kingdom, Germany, and no-format phone numbers
- supports 11, 10, 7, and 4 digit US phone numbers
- configurable panel display for number & name, name only, or number only
- background color changes for the duration of a call
- panel icon flashes for a incoming call
- Gnome notification popup that plays a ringtone for incoming calls
- popup and ringtone are configurable
- call history window
- call hangup history window
- outgoing call history window
- message history window
- send a message window
- ringtone browser that can play selected ringtones
- user-added ringtones in either .ogg or .wav format
- preference options can be restored to their defaults
- built-in user manual using Gnome help
- configurable server IP address and port
- if the server connection fails, it will keep trying to reconnect with a configurable delay
- ncid
Requires the NCID server. May be available as an addon package for your operating system.
- tcl Usually available as an addon package for your distribution.
- gnome Usually part of your distribution or available as an addon package.
- gnocl You need to compile the source and install the libraries. See INSTALL for details.
Project Page
Release Notes & Released Files
Panel Display

Popup Window

Calls Window

Call Hangups Window

Outgoing Calls Window

Messages Window

Send Message Window

General Preferences Tab

Network Preferences Tab

Ringtone Browser Window